
For information about bringing these Lectures to your area and
scheduling please contact us: info@internationalyogastudies.com


Developing Your Personal Practice

Develop a fuller, more complete and satisfying yoga practice that enhances and enriches every aspect of your life. For teachers and students of all levels. Integrates instruction and practice of asana, pranayama, yoga philosophy, and concentration techniques. Each participant achieves a deeper level of understanding of the limbs if Patanjali’s Ashtanga Yoga and is able to incorporate them into their
daily life and yoga practice.

Being In Yoga

Yoga is an Inward Journey. Learn to create a yoga practice that moves your energy inward to that ‘silent ground of being’. Come to the experience of Now and your connection with Self. This workshop will focus on learning how to practice your yoga to strengthen and balance body, mind, and emotions. This practice will enrich every aspect of your life. For teachers and students of all levels. Integrates instruction and practice of asana, pranayama, and meditation. Enjoyable discussion
and practice.

Yoga Wisdom: The Joy Of Living

The Yoga Sutras teach us the Art of Living. Learn the excitement of seeing ourselves and experiencing the Self, learn the freedom of letting go and the wonder of feeling connected, as well as the humility and natural devotion that come with understanding. By integrating the sutras into our daily lives, we can transform our relationships, learn to become more comfortable in our feelings of self-worth, growth and exploration. We will translate the philosophy of the yoga sutras into western terms and discuss in depth the workings of the mind, the practical application of Sutra Philosophy in our daily lives and in our practice. Enjoyable discussion and practice.

Reducing Fear Through Yoga

How you practice determines the results you experience. Each of us can transform our experience of day-to-day life by learning how to choose the most effective poses and practices for creating health and eliminating fear, insecurity, and the emotions that accompany them. Through this understanding of the poses and their application, students learn how to actively create balance and harmony in their day-to-day lives. Enjoyable discussion and practice.

Philosophy and Psychology of Patanjali’s Ashtanga (8 limbs) Yoga

Lecture and discussion of the application and practice of the Eight limbs (astanga) of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras both in your regular yoga practice and throughout your daily life. We will learn to use the ‘Mirror and Map’ of the Yoga Sutras to free ourselves from self-imposed restrictions, our out-dated ‘modeled’ patterns, and habitual reactions. Freeing ourselves from these restrictions allows us to experience and enjoy the intensity of joy held with living.

Asana For Vata Types

This workshop will focus on the most effective asanas, breathing, and approaches to your yoga practice to reduce fear, insecurity, and the emotions that accompany them. Understanding the effects of both how you practice your yoga asanas and the effect of each asana on you.  The purpose of this workshop is to give each participant the tools they need to actively create balance and harmony on a day-to-day basis in their lives.  Enjoyable discussion and practice.

Asana For Pitta Types

This workshop will focus on the most effective asanas, breathing, and styles of yoga practice to balance Pitta dosha. Understanding the effects of asanas on Pitta energy and how they should practice will give the high Pitta's or Vata-Pitta's the tools they need to actively create balance and harmony on a day-to-day basis in their lives.  Enjoyable discussion and practice.

Asana For Kapha Types

This workshop will focus on the most effective asanas, breathing, and approaches to your yoga practice to balance Kapha dosha. Understanding the effects of both how you practice your yoga asanas and the effect of each asana on you.  The purpose of this workshop is to give each participant the tools they need to actively create balance and harmony on a day-to-day basis in their lives.  Enjoyable discussion and practice.

Yoga Therapy: Effective Treatment of Back Pain

Movements that correct muscular imbalances and relieve back and neck pain.  How to effectively use the poses and simple movements to properly align the spine and stop creating injury in our daily lives.
The focus will be on some practical applications for seeing, investigating, and understanding the effective care and prescriptive movements best applied to correct back problems.

Savasana: Connecting

A discussion that covers the most effective techniques, and presentation styles for Savasana (Deep Relaxation).  For Teachers and students alike, a class of learning, experience, discussion, and enjoyment.

Seeing Ourselves: Learning and Growing

Practical application of Patanjali’s Sutra psychology in our daily lives.  We can use the Mirror and Map of the Yoga Sutras to free ourselves from self-imposed restrictions, our old 'modeled' patterns, and habitual reacting to circumstance.  Freeing ourselves from restrictive patterns allows us to experience and enjoy the intensity of joy held within living. This workshop will use some Western models to bridge a better understanding to the Yoga Sutras, and create ways to actually begin the practice in our everyday life.


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Contact us: info@internationalyogastudies.com