IYS Background and Information

"Our era is marked by the accelerated dissipation of human faculties. The essential value of Yoga is that it can bring about the opposite to our society, namely the re-assembling of these same faculties. This can be only done through practice.  Yoga in concerned as much with the methodical re-education of attitudes and values, as with mastery of the body, the breath, the scenes, and the mind. This practice leads gradually, and at all levels to a state of harmony. The practice of yoga directly improves our physical condition and our understanding of life. Yoga in not a religion, but often develops in us a self-transcending consciousness."
- Gerard Blitz, European Yoga Union Founder

After years of collaboration, the European Union of Yoga (now with 18 member countries) developed a minimum set of requirements for training and certification of yoga teachers.


The same training and certification requirements are also recognized by many other countries around the world. Through her teaching for the European Union of Yoga (EUY), our founder was invited to observe the anual board meetings on educational standards and learn about EUY's excellent work in teacher training. Now, through International Yoga Studies, the same requirements and high standards of yoga teacher training are available in the United States.

The IYS International Advisory Board is comprised of many people who head their countries yoga teacher training programs. The EUY and IYS programs are designed to be taught over a four-year (or more) period. In this way the students have time to explore and develop themselves before beginning their work with other people.

The IYS four-year and 500 hour Teacher Certificate Program is offered in an 'out-of-walls' – a directed independent learning teaching format - which consists of intensives, workshops, and local classes. Students may select workshops and teachers of their choosing as long as the information comes from senior teachers approved by the IYS mentor teacher and the courses fit the students program.

Through our aligned educational standards, IYS is able to accept accredited classes from like-minded training schools around the world.

  • The International Yoga Studies Teacher Certification Program (IYS TCP) is a strong yet flexible training program that requires student commitment and self-discipline.
  • The IYS program is structured in yearly Intensives and weekend Workshops. Typically the full program takes 4 years to complete.
  • Students may receive credit toward their certification for past applicable training when approved at their Induction.
  • IYS has direct contact with its students through the "mentoring" process and yearly Intensives. Although students study with a variety of teachers to complete their program, they are typically 'mentored' by one teacher who assists them in their direction and choices. This mentor/teacher is assigned only during the Induction Process, which takes place after acceptance into the program.
  • Each student situation is different. Information concerning credits given for students' prior education, the number of hours needed to complete the program, the exact cost of each program, and the amount of local attendance versus 'travel-to' courses cannot be assessed prior to admission into the program.
  • IYS is interested in applications from individuals who know that an 'out-of-walls' education style is appropriate for them and who are fully committed to the highest levels of training.
  • IYS does not offer all of the workshops that students take to complete their teacher training programs. Each program is designed and implemented by the student who selects where, when and how they want to focus their study.
  • It is not the intent of International Yoga Studies to be a large certifying institution. IYS is best thought of as a good resource and opportunity for students who are committed to the highest standards of education. We pride ourselves in the quality of our students as well as our program.

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Contact us: info@internationalyogastudies.com